Alright, so, I’ve finally got the multiplayer working on Sauna Online. Ended up going with Mirror, which I’ve used before, so at least I didn’t have to start from scratch on that front. HDRP is in there as well, because if I’m going to bother making a virtual sauna, it’s going to look damn good.
Here is a screenshot I took of the current state of the game. Nothing fancy, just enough to test the temperature syncing when water hits the heater, which, at the moment, is literally just a grey box. It’s about getting the thing working before it looks realistic. So you throw water, the temp updates in the corner. Does it make sense? Not really. But it’s the easiest way to check that multiplayer syncing is on point for now.
Next, I’m taking on the animations and syncing them with IK, which has always been the big hurdle for me. When that’s handled, I’ll be in a good spot to continue with the rest, since I’m fairly confident I can beat any other challenge that comes up.